Research ethics in radicalisation and intervention research

Authors Anke van Gorp
Publication date 2013
Type Other publication types


Full Text via Link. Programmes to address non- or pre -violent radicalisation can be justified if the programmes focus on helping adolescents in their quest for a good life. At this moment research is necessary to evaluate what types of programmes work in this regard. Research in this sensitive topic requires that researchers are aware of the possible negative consequences for respondents and need to protect their respondents carefully.

On this publication contributed

  • Anke van Gorp | Researcher | Knowledge analysis societal security
    Anke van Gorp
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Public health and public safety

Language English

Anke van Gorp

Anke van Gorp | Researcher | Knowledge analysis societal security

Anke van Gorp

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Public health and public safety