Students' learning processes during school-based learning and workplace learning in vocational education
Authors | Dr. Harmen Schaap, Dr. Liesbeth Baartman, Prof.Dr. Elly de Bruijn |
Published in | Vocations and Learning |
Publication date | 2012 |
Research groups | Vocational Education |
Type | Article |
This article reviews 24 articles in order to get a structured view on student's learning processes when dealing with a combination of school-based learning and workplace learning in vocational education. It focuses on six main themes: students' expertise development, students' learning styles, students' integration of knowledge acquired in school and workplace, processes of knowledge development, students' motivations for learning and students' professional identity development.
On this publication contributed
Language | English |
Published in | Vocations and Learning |
Year and volume | 5 2 |
Key words | integration of knowledge, skills and attitudes, school-based learning, vocational education, review-study |
Page range | 99-117 |