Tackling Project Management Competence Research

Authors Steven Nijhuis, Ruben Vrijhoef, Joseph Kessels
Publication date 25 June 2018
Research groups Building Future Cities
Type Article


From the article: "The vast amount of previous research on project management competence does not provide a basis for educational needs. Analyzing previous research poses two challenges: the lack of a uniform list of competences, necessitating a taxonomy, and the use of importance as a criterion, favoring general important competences. Criticality is introduced as the competence a project manager adds to the team. Validation research using criticality and the taxonomy among experienced Dutch project managers is more comprehensive and provides a less focus on general important competences than previous research. Criticality focuses more on the essence of the profession."

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Language English
Key words competence research, criticality, project management competences, project management education, taxonomy

Steven Nijhuis

Steven Nijhuis | Researcher | Research group Building Future Cities

Steven Nijhuis

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Building Future Cities