The Role of the Supply Chain as Decision-Factor for Online Cross- Border Trade-Expansion

Authors Marja Exalto-Sijbrands, Guido Ongena, Pascal Ravesteijn, Benny de Waal
Published in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance ICMLG 2018
Publication date 24 May 2018
Research groups Process Innovation and Information Systems
Type Lecture


from the article: Web-shop entrepreneurs generally overlook success factors during the expansion process of applying cross-border trade, resulting in failure or even high financial losses. The solution to this issue may be a decision supporting model, that supports SME web-shop entrepreneurs in their cross border decision-making., the industry organisation for web-shops in The Netherlands, actively supports the cross-border information requirements of these entrepreneurs by supporting knowledge on the marketing factors that influence the cross-border decision. This research focusses on identifying a decision supporting model answering the question: How does the supply chain as factor relate to other decisive factors used by web-shop entrepreneurs in their cross-border trade-expansion decision? The model has been developed through three research steps: semi-unstructured interviews to find the first indication for decision factors, literature research to develop contours of a decision supporting model, and an online survey to test the initial model found. To determine a weight to the factors, the KANO-model is used from a customer satisfaction viewpoint. The conceptual model shows that ‘supply chain partner(s)’, is a necessary basic factor to consider during the cross-border trade-expansion decision. However, customer satisfaction as operational logistics service determines the success of the cross-border trade-expansion.

On this publication contributed

  • Marja Exalto
    Marja Exalto-Sijbrands
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Process Innovation and Information Systems
  • Guido Ongena | Researcher | Process Innovation and Information Systems
    Guido Ongena
    • Professor
    • Research group: Process Innovation and Information Systems
  • Pascal Ravesteijn | Professor | Process innovation and information systems
    Pascal Ravesteijn
    • Professor
    • Research group: Process Innovation and Information Systems

Language English
Published in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance ICMLG 2018
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:978-1-911218-82-1
Key words web-shop, cross-border, success factors, decisive factors, decision model, KANO-model

Marja Exalto

Marja Exalto

Marja Exalto

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Process Innovation and Information Systems