XAI in the financial sector

Authors Martin van den Berg, Ouren Kuiper
Published in https://www.hu.nl/-/media/hu/documenten/onderzoek/projecten/
Publication date 1 June 2020
Research groups Artificial Intelligence
Type Other publication types


Whitepaper: The use of AI is on the rise in the financial sector. Utilizing machine learning algorithms to make decisions and predictions based on the available data can be highly valuable. AI offers benefits to both financial service providers and its customers by improving service and reducing costs. Examples of AI use cases in the financial sector are: identity verification in client onboarding, transaction data analysis, fraud detection in claims management, anti-money laundering monitoring, price differentiation in car insurance, automated analysis of legal documents, and the processing of loan applications.

Language English
Published in https://www.hu.nl/-/media/hu/documenten/onderzoek/projecten/
Key words artificial intelligence, financial sector, Kunstmatige Intelligentie, financiele sector

Artificial Intelligence