Dies Weijschede

Dies Weijschedé joined the research group Marketing & Customer Experience in August 2020. His main focus is improving digital services of public organizations to improve their customer experience. Furthermore he works as a teacher and course coordinator within the study commercial Economics. 

His background and interests are mainly focused towards quantitative customer data and data analysis. Dies has worked for years as a (senior) consumer researcher and has been working on innovation projects, concept testing, product testing, branding and segmentation studies. Also, he works as a independent researcher for his company DiesAdvies. Besides he also guides a promising startup, Occasionkeuring Nederland. 

The overarching theme in his work is using customer data to predict and improve the desirability and viability of new ideas, concepts, products and services.


  • Qualitative and quantitative research
  • Data analysis
  • Innovation


Any questions or do you want to collaborate?

Dies Weijschede

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Marketing & Customer Experience