Eline Bolster | Researcher | Research group Lifestyle and Health

Eline Bolster


Eline Bolster PhD is a senior researcher for the ‘Wat beweegt jou?!’ (‘What gets you moving?!’) project, in which two toolboxes are being developed for paediatric physiotherapists. These toolboxes are intended to help them provide better support for children with disabilities and their parents, in their ability to participate in exercise and sports in daily life.

Eline worked as a paediatric physiotherapist at the University Medical Centre Amsterdam for nine years. From 2011 to 2013 she followed the degree programme in 'Evidence Based Practice'. After this she began her doctoral research and on May 10, 2018 she successfully defended her dissertation entitled ‘Toepassen van het klinische inspanningstesten binnen de (kinder)revalidatie’ (‘Applying clinical endurance tests within (child) rehabilitation’).

In addition to her role as senior researcher, Eline is also a lecturer at the HU for the second year of the master’s degree in Physiotherapy, with a specialisation in Paediatric Physiotherapy. Her role includes developing the educational programme of the master's in Paediatric Physiotherapy.

Fields of expertise

  • Fysical activity
  • Fitness
  • Children





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Eline Bolster | Researcher | Research group Lifestyle and Health

Eline Bolster

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Lifestyle and Health