Frans Boumans | Researcher | Financial-Economic Advice in Innovation

Frans Boumans


Frans Boumans has been a Financial Management lecturer at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht since 2009. He also works as a lecturer for VU Amsterdam. In addition, he has been lecturing in various other countries for over 20 years.

After graduating from Erasmus University Rotterdam’s Business Economics in 1981, Boumans obtained an Executive MBA from the University of Rochester/William E. Simon School of Management in 1988. Frans worked for a number of different banks for a period of 25 years, including Bank Mees & Hope, MeesPierson and ING Bank. In addition, he has been a speaker at various international conferences and published a range of articles and books.

Frans Boumans set up the SME Adviser and Treasury Management minors at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. As a researcher and consultant in the field of financial services for SMEs and large corporations, Frans is specifically interested in new financing models in a changing world.
He also devotes attention to initiatives outside the Netherlands. On behalf of the Utrecht Summer School, Frans participated in the development of various courses in partnership with the International Banking Institute in St Petersburg.

Fields of expertise

  • SME finance
  • Financing models

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Frans Boumans | Researcher | Financial-Economic Advice in Innovation

Frans Boumans

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Financial-Economic Advice in Innovation