Digitalisation has given rise to new business models. The Research group Financial-Economic Advice in Innovation focuses on such new digital revenue models. In addition, we are studying the changing role of accountants, controllers and financial advisers as a result of digital information services.

Lines of research within the research group


The topic of good SME management is dealt with during various courses and the graduation component. Research into good SME management is relatively new. Our students are challenged to come up with their own suggestions and improvements to the Diamond model. We no longer work under the assumption that the lecturer knows everything. Rather, the task is to search for solutions together. And this yields surprising results.



ONL for entrepreneurs, INRetail, Stichting MKB Finance, Qredits, Culture & Entrepreneurship, Kamer van Koophandel, Province of Utrecht, Municipality of Utrecht, Erasmus University, University of Leiden, University of Antwerpen, Centre for the Family company, HvA, NLPO, DARE, European Centre for Alternative Finance, Transeo, European Council of Small Business.

Our professors and researchers

Lex van Teeffelen

Lex van Teeffelen

Professor Financial-Economic Advice in Innovation Show profile

Victoria Barcala

Researcher Financial-Economic Advice in Innovation Show profile
Linda Boissevan | Onderzoeker | Lectoraat Financieel Economische Innovaties

Linda Boissevain

Lecturer-researcher Financial-Economic Advice in Innovation Show profile
Frans Boumans | Researcher | Financial-Economic Advice in Innovation

Frans Boumans

Researcher Financial-Economic Advice in Innovation Show profile