Jop Schaap | Researcher | Research group Mathematics Education

Jop Schaap

PhD candidate

Jop Schaap (1977) has been a PhD candidate at Research group on Mathematical and analytical competence of professionals since September 2019. His research focuses on the didactics for mathematics teachers in training. He is studying the occurrence of ‘noticing’, recognising situations in the classroom that require mathematical-didactic intervention.

Jop worked as a mathematics teacher in secondary education for twelve years. He has been working as a teacher-trainer at the Archimedes Institute since 2016. Within his research, Jop presents teachers in training possible teaching methods, by way of photo and video material, interviews and discussions. This gives methodology teaching a practical face.

Fields of expertise

  • Didactics of mathematics
  • ICT: data analysis, statistics
  • Noticing


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Jop Schaap | Researcher | Research group Mathematics Education

Jop Schaap

  • PhD candidate
  • Research group: Mathematical and analytical competence of professionals