Kristel Everaars is conducting her doctoral research at the Research group Innovation in Healthcare Processes in Pharmacology . She was awarded a HU promotional voucher for her research in December 2017. This research is being carried out in collaboration with plastic surgery department of the Radboud University Medical Centre.
In addition to her appointment as a researcher, she is a lecturer for the Skin Therapy study programme. She hopes to be able to contribute to patient relations in practice, the skin therapist in the field, knowledge development and the application thereof in education.
- 2010- present: Lecturer for Skin Therapy programme, HU, Utrecht
- 2012-2013: Skin therapy after burns, HU, post-HPE, Utrecht
- 2009-2010: Health Sciences, Prevention & Public Health, VU Amsterdam, MSc, Amsterdam
- 2007-2009: Health Sciences, VU Amsterdam, BSc, Amsterdam
- 2003-2007: HPE, Skin Therapy, Faculty of Healthcare, HU, Utrecht
Fields of expertise
- Qualitative research
- Microneedling in Abdominal Scarring after DIEP-flap Breast Reconstruction to Improve Scar Quality A Randomized Controlled Split Scar Trial
- Breast and abdominal scarring after DIEP flap breast reconstruction an exploration of patient-reported scar quality
- The impact of scars on health-related quality of life after breast surgery: a qualitative exploration