Marike Boonzaaijer


Marike Boonzaaijer has been working as a researcher at the Research group of Lifestyle and Health since 2016. In 2021, she obtained her PhD on the study of gross motor trajectories of infants that were captured by using a home video method for parents. As a post-doc researcher, her PhD research continues in the PEBBLES project (Parental Beliefs concerning their Baby, Lifestyle and Experience Study). She also works as a lecturer at the Master's degree programme in Paediatric Physiotherapy.

Marike worked as a paediatric physiotherapist at St Antonius Hospital and at the Neonatology outpatient clinic of Wilhelmina Children's Hospital. She is a lecturer in the first year of the Master's programme in Physiotherapy, specialising in paediatric physiotherapy.

Good development at the start of life is incredibly important for every child. With her research, Marike aims to optimise early motor development interventions in several ways: 1) by gaining more knowledge about motor development and factors that play a role in it, and 2) by broadening knowledge and developing tools that will benefit working with parents in paediatric physiotherapy practice.


  • Pediatric Physical Therapy
  • Infant motor development
  • Parental & Professional Beliefs



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Marike Boonzaaijer

  • Lecturer-researcher
  • Research group: Lifestyle and Health