Marleen Sol MSc works as researcher in the Research group Lifestyle and Health. Within this Research group, she is involved in the ‘Let’s Ride’ study performed in the context of the ‘Fit-For-the-Future!' project.
- 2014-present: Researcher at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Research Centre for Innovations in Healthcare, Research group Lifestyle and Health.
- 2011-present: Paediatric physiotherapist at De Hoogstraat rehabilitation centre, specialising in children with a physical disability (‘Mytylschool’ pupils)
- 2009-2011: Master’s degree in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, majoring in Rehabilitation Sciences and Paediatric Kinetics and Therapy, KU Leuven
Fields of expertise
- Wheelchair skills
- Paediatric physiotherapy
- Using a behavior change toolkit in pediatric physical therapy to support physical activity A feasibility study
- The effects of wheelchair mobility skills and exercise training on physical activity, fitness, skills and confidence in youth using a manual wheelchair
- Wheelchair Mobility Confidence Scale for Dutch youth using a manual wheelchair