Nanda Vrielink


Nanda Vrielink has been working at the Centre of Expertise Smart Sustainable Cities since 2017. As a project leader and researcher, she has been involved in various research projects, particularly around the social energy transition and greening of the city.

For Nanda, sustainability starts with restoring the relationship between humans and nature. The education she develops and the research she conducts therefore focuses on the nature inclusive city and society, and the use of nature as a learning environment in higher education.  

Nanda developed the outdoor course Buiten gebeurt het! (It happens outside!) for students, gives workshops on outdoor education and is affiliated with the national Collectief Natuur Inclusief (Nature inclusive collective). As living lab coordinator within the GeLUK project, she connects the issues that play a role in the Utrechtse Heuvelrug National Park with education and research within the HU. Her background in interdisciplinary social sciences is consistently useful in the way she brings together different disciplines in the education and research to which she contributes. 


  • Nature inclusiveness 
  • Outdoor education 
  • Sustainability and climate change