Pim Klamer


Pim Klamer has been a researcher within the Research group Normative Professionalisation since 1 May 2016. His research focuses on the (normative) professionalisation of appraisers of commercial real estate. The real estate sector, in which appraisers are active, bursts with commercial interests. At the same time appraisers also serve a public interest in conducting their work. Pim analyses how appraisers shape their professional judgement in the midst of an array of private (client/organisation-orientated) and public interests.

I have been conducting this PhD research with much enthusiasm, and hope to round up the whole process this year. It is extremely motivating to acquire new insights and to find out ‘how things work’. In this case with the before mentioned appraisers. Another motivating element is the work I’ve done for the NVM (in Dutch: Nederlandse Vereniging van Makelaars en Taxateurs) during my research. It has enabled me to incorporate some of my PhD findings into training programs for appraisers. By the means of different blog posts I also try to share many interesting facts about my research with my target audience. 
I have been working at the HU since 2009 and provide education in the bachelor’s degree in Facility Management (IBA), and the master’s degree in Urban and Area Development (IGO). This involves the minor Real Estate Challenge as well as other real estate related topics in both programs. Furthermore, I have been involved in the coordination of the FM graduation program since 2012. Prior to my career at the HU, I worked for approximately 10 years in the real estate industry as both adviser and real estate manager. I graduated from the Vrije Universiteit in the field of spatial economics in 2000.
Fields of expertise
- Professionalism and conflicts of interests
- Research (among others grounded theory, survey research)
- Commercial real estate management and advice


Would you like to collaborate or do you have any questions?

Pim Klamer

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Normative Professionalisation