Co-design in times of COVID-19

Authors Berit Godfroij
Publication date 1 November 2020
Research groups Co-design, Research Competence
Type Other publication types


During the Dutch Design Week 2020 (DDW2020), researchers of the project ‘Creative & Health Innovation Ways of Working Analysis’ (CHIWaWA) organized together with UCreate an online session on "Co-design in the 1.5 meter society", as part of the program "Embassy of Health" (World Design Embassies). In this online session, five guest speakers presented a case on how COVID-19 has changed the co-design approach in research and design projects. Three cases are Dutch projects in creative industry, and two are research projects from Eindhoven University of Technology.

On this publication contributed

Language English
Key words Co-design, covid-19, healthcare innovation

Berit Godfroij

Berit Godfroij | Researcher | Co-design research group

Berit Godfroij

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Co-design