“Working to learn and learning to work”, a competences based innovative traineeship approach

Authors Marja Exalto-Sijbrands, Marjoke de Boer
Published in Proceedings of the 23rd EDINEB Conference Innovative Student Engagement in Economics and Business Education. Nice, France: EDHEC Business School
Publication date 2016
Research groups Building Future Cities
Type Article


The introduction of the program ‘working to learn and learning to work’ for the bachelor students at the department Logistics Management (of the HU) has adopted a next level of competence awareness with their students. The introduction of the working and learning program kicked off 4 years ago with an annual program for the bachelor students combining three days of traineeship with two days at school. In spite of the effort of the teachers involved, the students failed to grasp visible competence development through combining work tasks with competence development and feedback assignments. The main question was: How can students’ understanding be improved on transparent competence development. Clearly students took their responsibility but missed the required awareness. During the year even a decline in student engagement resulted. Both, knowledge from an assessment training for teachers, and the traineeship rubric helped altering the existing approach of students’ competence learning. Out of a class of 28, 6 students tested the new approach. Their results were astonishing with higher average grades, happier attitudes, clear reflections on their improvements, and improvedunderstanding of the need for feedforward and feedback at work tasks related personal (competence) developed.

On this publication contributed

Language English
Published in Proceedings of the 23rd EDINEB Conference Innovative Student Engagement in Economics and Business Education. Nice, France: EDHEC Business School
Key words competence learning, transparent learning, transparent competences, creating feedback, creating feedforward, controlling feedback

Marja Exalto

Marja Exalto

Marja Exalto

  • Senior lecturer
  • Research group: Process Innovation and Information Systems