Annemarie van de Weert | Researcher | Access to Justice

Annemarie van de Weert


Annemarie van de Weert is a researcher at the Social Innovation Knowledge Center. Since September 2021, she has been conducting PhD research: ‘Realizing legal protection in compulsory care by psychiatrists and nurses. For the Access to Justice professorship, she previously mapped out the practice of early detection of youth extremism by frontline professionals. Both topics involve anticipatory justice.

Annemarie is a lecturer at the Institute for Security on the subjects of: Counterterrorism, Trends in criminology, Criminal law in an EU context and the phenomenon of realizing legal protection.

"Social and legalprofessionals play a crucial role at the local level in the realization ofhuman rights. My PhD research focuses on how they deal with this inpractice."

Forced interventions for the sake of care and safety require sound legal protection. The procedural rules make rights accessible. But legal protection in the application of compulsory measures also concerns guaranteeing to act justly. The material requirements are secured. This also concerns the right to humane treatment through respectful handling. And that is a human right that depends on the interpretation given from below. Legal protection is therefore also included in human rights, which should be safeguarded by professionals in daily practice. By explaining patterns, pitfalls and dilemmas from daily work practice, knowledge can be gathered to improve practice. This provides valuable insights for self-reflection and awareness of one's own actions. In this way, the Access to Justice professorship aims to contribute to more thorough, inclusive and informed practice in the realization of legal protection.

Fields of expertise

  • Human rights
  • Local security 
  • Act justly


Animation by Annemarie van der Weert of the urgency for research into Local Early Detection of Deviant Behaviour.



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Annemarie van de Weert | Researcher | Access to Justice

Annemarie van de Weert

  • Lecturer-researcher
  • Research group: Access to Justice