Family-School Partnerships in a Multilingual Context

Cooperation between family and school supports the development of children. Teachers in the education of newcomers experience specific challenges in working together with parents, such as differences in languages, school systems and role perceptions. Researchers recommend a responsive attitude and communication, but what exactly does this mean? Teachers and parents of newcomers are invited to share experiences and stories to find out what works.


The goal is to describe which aspects are relevant in building effective family-school partnerships in a multilingual context, thereby contributing to the professionalisation of teachers and, ultimately, the cognitive and social-emotional development of children from newcomer families.


  • Description of relevant aspects of family-school partnerships in a multilingual context
    •    regarding attitudes;
    •    regarding communication;
  • Professionalisation of teachers


01 January 2020 - 31 December 2024


Teachers and parents are invited to share their experiences, needs and expectations. The results are translated into professionalisation activities. The usefulness of the professionalisation is assessed by teacher trainers and teachers in the education of newcomers.

Research participants

The participants in this research consist of experienced teachers from various schools of primary education for newcomers and of parents from Ukraine, Eritrea and Syria who have taken part in Dutch education for at least one year.


With the results of this research, targeted professional development activities can be developed and offered in preparation for and/or to improve the establishment of educational partnerships between teachers and parents who meet in a multilingual context.

HU researchers involved in the research

  • Ria Goedhart
    • PhD candidate
    • Research groups: Multilingualism and Education, Value-oriented Professionalisation
  • Cok Bakker lector NP
    Cok Bakker
    • Professor
    • Research group: Value-oriented Professionalisation
  • Maaike Hajer is professor within the research group Multilingualism and Education
    Maaike Hajer
    • Professor emeritus
    • Research group: Multilingualism and Education

Do you have a question or want to collaborate?

Ria Goedhart

  • PhD candidate
  • Research groups: Multilingualism and Education, Value-oriented Professionalisation