Anita N. Alexander


Dr. Anita N. Alexander began working as a senior researcher in Numeracy within the Mathematical and Analytical Skills of Professionals research group at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht in June, 2024. She is interested in improving the mathematical literacy and mindset of K – 12  educators.


Anita Alexander obtained her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction in 2019 at Kent State University in the United States with a dissertation on the alignment between calculus courses at high school level and university level.  Her master’s degree was obtained in 2014 in pure mathematics. She has 20 years of experience teaching mathematics and education courses from grade 6 to doctoral students.


  • Inquiry and DIfferentiation
  • Mathematics Teaching  
  • Early Numeracy Research

Anita Alexander recently completed a two-year case study with undergraduate and graduate mathematics students to inspire the next generation of mathematics professors to move away from the culture of passive lecture, toward a classroom environment that promotes inquiry, discourse, and collaboration. She is passionate about promoting a growth mindset towards mathematics for both K – 12 educators and university instructors.


Courtney, S., Alexander, A. N. (2024). Developing a Survey to Capture the Experiences, Practices, and Expertise of Mathematics Education Doctorates. The 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Sydney, 7-14 July, 2024

Alexander, A. N., Courtney, S. (2024). Current Students' Perspectives of Essential Doctorate in Mathematics Education Program Features. Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education in Omaha, NE, USA, February 22, 2024.

Alexander, A. N. (2023). Cultivating Inquiry in Advanced Mathematics with the Next Generation of Mathematics Professors. in Morska, Janina & Rogerson, Alan (Eds) Innovative Teaching Practices, Proceedings of the First International Symposium of The Mathematics Education for the Future Project, Oxford University, Aug 14-18, 2023 (pp. 13 - 18). Münster: WTM.

Alexander, A. N. (2022). The Perspectives of Effective Teaching and Learning of Current Undergraduate and Graduate Mathematics Students, in Morska, Janina & Rogerson, Alan (Eds) Building on the Past to Prepare for the Future, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of The Mathematics Education for the Future Project, King's College, Cambridge, Aug 8-13, 2022 (pp. 12 – 17). Münster: WTM.

Nurnberger-Haag, J., Alexander, A. N., & Powell, S. R. (2021). What counts in number books? A content-domain specific typology to evaluate children’s books for mathematics. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 23(2), 145-169.

Nurnberger-Haag, J., Singh, R., Wernet, J., Alexander, A. N. (2021). “Books I used as a child were mathematically incorrect”: Reasons to use children's shape-related books as a resource to improve MKT. International Electric Journal of Mathematics Education



Do you have any questions or would you like to collaborate?

Anita N. Alexander

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Mathematical and analytical competence of professionals