Liesbeth Knol-Urbach

PhD candidate
Since 2024, Liesbeth has been working as a PhD student within the Research Group on Value-oriented Professionalization. She is conducting design-based research to the developing of the professional identity of specialized nurses, with the goal of strengthening their role in advancing the expertise of others.


Liesbeth has extensive experience in various forms of (special) education as a behavioral scientist, advisor, teacher and supervision expert. Sinds 2019, she has been working as a teacher in the post-hbo Nusing Studies program, where she identified the practical issue that became the focus of her PhD research.

"Consciously we teach what we know; unconsciously we teach who we are "

Hamachek, 1999

Liesbeth is interested in the person of the professional. She observes that development on personal level contributes to professional practice and agency. Her pedagogical foundation is a key starting point in her approach: what does this professional need, in this work situation, whit these relevant others, to understand her role?


  • Supervison expertise
  • Professional identity
  • Professional development in organizations

Would you like to collaborate or do you have any questions?

Liesbeth Knol-Urbach

  • PhD candidate
  • Research group: Value-oriented Professionalisation